A New Vice President for Administration and Development Takes Office, University of KabriDehar.

Today, September 23, 2022, University of Kebri Dehar marked a handover ceremony between the outgoing and incoming Vice Presidents for Administration and Development. Mr. Bashir Yusuf Farah, who has been serving as the Vice President for Administration and Development of Kebri Dehar University since October 2020, has recently left his position at the university, taking a new role as the Mayor of Degahbur City. The President of Kebri Dehar University, Mr. Abdifatah Ahmed Rabi, other senior leaders and staff members of the university, and associated partners attended the transfer of authority to the former Vice President for Research and Community Service (Mr. Ahmed Muhumed Abdinasir)

University of Kebri Dehar is currently categorized as a “Comprehensive University” and that means the university has only two vice presidents based on the new structural changes of public universities in Ethiopia: 1) Vice President for Academic and Research Affairs, and 2) Vice President for Administration and Development. In a nutshell, Ahmed, who previously served as Vice President for Research and Community Service, will now serve as Vice President for Administration and Development.


Xil Kuwareejinta Madxawayne Ku Xigeenka Cusub Ee Qeybta Maamulka Iyo Horumarinta Jaamacada Kebri Dehar.

Madxawayne Ku Xigeenka hore Ee Qeybta Maamulka Iyo Horumarinta Jaamacadda Kebri Dehar Mudane Beshir Yuusuf Faarax ayaa ka baxay Jaamacadda, isagoo lo magacaabay Xil kale oo dowladeed, sidaas darteed maanta Madxawaynaha jaamacadda Eng. Cabdifitaax Axmed Raabi ayaa xilka umagacaabay Islamarkaana ku wareejiyay Mudane Axmed Maxamed Cabdinaaser, oo ahaa Madxawayne Kuxigeenkii Qeyba cilmi-baarista iyo adeegga bulshada Ee Jaamacada.

Maadaama Jaamacadda Kebri Dehar ay Kamid Tahay 31ka Jaamacadood Ee Comprehensiveka Ee Qaab Dhismeedkooda Laga Dhigay 2 Madaxweyne Kuxigeen oo kaliiya (Academic Affairs and Research V/President and Administration and Development V/President), Ayaa M/weyne Kuxigeenkii Qaybta cilmi-baadhista iyo adeegga bulshada Oo Qaabdhismeedka Kaxay Booskiisa ayaa laguwarajiyay Madxawayne kuxigenimada Maamulka Iyo Horumarinta Jaamacada.


የአስተዳደርና ልማት ም/ፕሬዝደንት ርክክብ አከናወኑ

የቀብሪ ደሃር ዩኒቨርሲቲ አስተዳደርና ልማት ም/ፕሬዝደንት የነበሩት አቶ በሺር ዩሱፍ ፋራህ በሌላ የመንግስት ሹመት ዩኒቨርሲቲውን የለቀቁ በመሆኑ በዛሬው እለት የዩኒቨርሲቲው ፕሬዝደንት ኢ/ር አብዲፈታህ አህመድ ራቢ እና ሌሎች አመራሮች በተገኙበት የጥናትና ምርምር ም/ፕሬዝደንት ለነበሩት አቶ አህመድ ሙሁመድ አብዲናስር አስረክበዋል።

የቀብሪ ደሃር ዩኒቨርሲቲ በኮምፖርሄንሲፍ ስር የሚመደብና ዩኒቨርሲቲው ሁለት ም/ፕሬዝደንቶች (የአካዳሚክ ጉዳዮችና ምርምር ም/ፕሬዝደንት እና አስተዳደርና ልማት ም/ፕሬዝደንት)

ብቻ የሚኖሩት በመሆኑ ጥናትና ምርምር ም/ፕሬዝደንት ሆነው ሲያገለግሉ የነበሩት የአስተዳደርና ልማት ም/ፕሬዝደንትነትን እንዲረከቡ ተደርጎዋል።

September 23/22 – መስከረም 13/2015
